Linda’s Country Quilt Shop is located 65 miles northwest of Detroit, Michigan, five miles from I69. Owned by Linda Jacobsen, the shop focuses on customer service and helping people to learn and enjoy quilting.
To facilitate this, the shop features Open Sew on Thursday and Friday. Stop in to work or your project, to get help if you are stuck, or to simply enjoy sewing with friends old and new..

There is a wonderful selection of blenders in the shop. Bring what you need to match with you and find several good choices.
If you enjoy Civil War fabrics, come on in and browse! The selection is great, as these are very popular in this area.
Linda’s Country Quilt Shop also carries wool (Wool, Wool, and More Wool…)
Wool, Wool, and More Wool
Don’t miss the samples, particularly back in the classroom. The classroom feature a separate cutting and pressing room for classes and the Open Sew.
While there is not a long-arm in the store, Linda’s is a drop off and pick up point for a local long arm service.

Check out the selection of holiday fabrics. The shop does a Winter/Fall New Fabric Reveal in early July every year. If you are in the area at this time, make sure to plan to be a part of this event.

While you are looking around, note the unique display items – like the old fashioned double wash tubs pictured at the right. There are delights like these scattered around the store.
In January and February, the shop sells a Tote Bag. This becomes important on any fifth Saturday during the year – bring the Tote Bag in and get 25% off of your fabric purchases that day!
Linda’s Country Quilt Shop | Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5 Sun Closed |
3058 North State Road | Phone: (810) 658-9051 |
Davison, MI 48423-3508 | E-Mail: LindasCountryQuilts@gmail.com |
http://lindascountryquiltshop.com | Mail Order: No – Call for special Fabric Shown Online: Some |
Stop back on Wednesday to see where the North American Shop Hop is visiting next!