Located only a mile from the Interstate 270 bypass north of Columbus, Ohio, this shop is owned by Karen and Kevin O’Connor. When you arrive, pull in the driveway. The sign is in the front, however, parking and the entrance are in the back.
This is a great shop for anyone who has friends or family that are attending or have attended The Ohio State University. Among the over 4,000 bolts of fabric in the store, there are over 40 prints representing the Buckeyes. These include cottons, flannels, and fleece. Other fabric offerings are tone on tones in white and ivory, a wall of solids and blenders, Grunge, and over 30 bolts of patriotic prints. There are also some wonderful Stack-N-Whack candidates, and a nice selection of wool in patches and fat quarters. There are also flannels, and wide backs in cotton and cuddle.

Samples are displayed for inspiration all over the shop. The one at the left is a wonderfully detailed wool applique that needs to be seen in person to be fully appreciated. I magnified one square to show the detail. The edges of the pieces are embroidered like a crazy quilt, and it is exquisite!
Red Rooster Quilts sells Janome, Brother, Elna, Necchi, and Handi Quilter machines. Take some time while you’re here to compare these and see which one needs to follow you home. Long arm services are available, as well as machine rental – once you’ve gone to Driving School! Please call the shop for details.
Red Rooster Quilts | Hours: M-F 10-5; Sat 10-3 |
48 Corbin Mill Dr. | Phone: 614-734-9007 |
Dublin, OH 43017 | Karen@redroosterquilts.com Kevin@redroosterquilts.com |
www.reroosterquilts.com | Mail Order: Yes Fabric Online: Yes |
Stop back on Thursday and see where the North American Shop Hop is visiting next!