How many of you will admit to being obsessed with fabric? Michelle Galleti put it right out there in the name of her shop, and one of her customers called it “the best quilt shop in the world!” Located just 15 miles from Interstate 71 in Medina, Ohio, this is a fun place to visit.
Fabric comes in all shapes and styles, from calico to grunge, both solid and dotted, to prints and flannel. There are over 500 bolts here to look at, so plan at least 30 minutes to enjoy yourself. Every shelf has samples or goodies on the bottom, with the fabric above so you don’t have to strain your back bending over to see it or pull it out. There are also precuts including Charm Packs and Fat Quarter Bundles.

Don’t miss the Wool Room, with wool in everything from patches to bolts. Wednesday is Wooly Wednesday, so you can come in and work on wool projects. You can get help from fellow quilters or the staff if you need it, or you can help newer to wool quilters with their projects if you want.
There is a Sit and Sew every Tuesday, as well as one or two Saturdays a month for folks who have to work during the week. Classes are generally held during the week, but at least one is scheduled for Saturday.

Check out the samples around the shop. The bees are a “tour de force” for an embroidery machine! There are other samples on most walls, as well as the projects tucked on the bottom of most shelves. Patterns are available, as well as kits if desired.
Fabric Obsession | Hours: T-Th 10-5 F-S 10-3 Closed Sun & Mon |
142 N Court St. | Phone: 330-725-3226 |
Medina, OH 44256 | Email: Michelle@fabricobsession.com |
www.fabricobsession.com | Mail Order : Yes Fabric Online: Yes |
Stop back on Monday and see where the North American Shop Hop is visiting next!