Der Alte Quilt Shop Dundee, Ohio

Located along US Route 62 about 18 miles from Interstate 77 and owned by sisters Sara and Ruth Miller, Der Alte Quilt Shop is a very traditional Amish business. I was asked not to take pictures inside the store – but that doesn’t mean you should avoid this shop! It sits in the middle of farmland, with a wonderful view, and carries both dress goods and quilting fabric. There are also notions and some clothing, as well as place mats and rocker sets.

The quilting fabric is mostly by Timeless Treasures, and the selection runs from orientals to blenders and solids. There are around 250 bolts to chose from, and I picked up a couple of items I had been short to finish a quilt in progress. Take some time to browse through and see what strikes your fancy. Some is worth picking up just as stash builders… Yes, I am tempting you!!

This is a very “green” shop – no electricity from the grid, but there are solar panels on the roof that power the inside lights. Because of this, there are not a lot of lights left on. However, it is a simple matter to pull the string for the lights near the shelf you are looking on and see clearly.

Because it is not on the grid, there is no internet connection – which means cash only sales. The reasonable prices keep this from being a problem!

This unique shop has another specialty – custom made quilts and tops. There are some completed quilts in the store, but if you don’t see what you want, discuss what you are looking for with the owners and have it made just for you. Then you can quilt it, or have it quilted and finished for you.

Plan 20 to 30 minutes here to see everything and chat with the folks.

Der Alte Quilt ShopM-F 8-5 Sat 8-3 Sun Closed
3795 US 62330-600-0491
Dundee, OH 44624Email: None
Website: NoneMail Order: No
Fabric Online: No

Stop back on Monday and see where the North American Shop Hop is visiting next!
